Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Are you saved? * Yes No Have you ever been baptized? * Yes No If yes, were you saved before you were baptized? * Yes No Were you sprinkled when you were baptized? * Yes No Were you fully immersed in water when you were baptized? * Yes No What was the reason for your decision to be baptized? Explain the purpose of your baptism experience. * Were you taught anything significant about baptism before you decided to be baptized? * Yes No If you have been baptized, what were you baptized into? * Have you received the gift of the Holy Spirit? * Yes No If yes, when did you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit? * Baptism is a biblical faith act commanded by Jesus Christ and His apostles practiced throughout the New Testament. Baptism is a burial in water faith response to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Romans 6:1-4) In baptism, God places believers into a covenant relationship with Him through their faithful obedience to Jesus Christ. (Galatians 3:26-28) According to Ephesians 4:5, was there only one baptism that placed believers into the body of Christ at the time the book of Ephesians was written? * Yes No to use nations? Jesus taught that God the Father MUST draw everyone who comes to Jesus. Furthermore, Jesus explains that God draws people to Him through the process of biblical teaching. (John 6:44-45) According to Jesus in John 6:45, is hearing and learning accurate biblical teaching from God the Father a requirement to come to Jesus Christ? * Yes No According to Jesus in John 6:45, what are two characteristics of people who comes to Jesus? * According to Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20, is “teaching” and “baptism” necessary to make and develop disciples of Jesus Christ? * Yes No According to Matthew 28:19-20, through what practice did Jesus command His disciples to make disciples of all nations? * According to Jesus Christ, the Son of God in Mark 16:15-16, is a person saved before they are baptized at the point of their belief in Jesus? * Yes No According to Jesus Christ, the Son of God in Mark 16:15-16, at what point in the salvation process is a believer saved from eternal condemnation? * According to Jesus Christ, the Son of God in Mark 16:15-16, after hearing and believing in the gospel, was water baptism necessary for sinners to be saved? * Yes No According to Jesus Christ, the Son of God in Mark 16:15-16, is it possible for sinner’s to be saved if they believe the gospel, but refuse to be baptized? * Yes No According to Acts 2:38, sinners are commanded to repent before they are baptized. To repent means to “change one’s mind by having godly sorrow”. (2 Corinthians 7:9-10) Why is the command of “repentance” so important to understand before sinners are baptized? * According to Acts 2:38, what is God’s purpose for baptism? * A sinner’s conscience should be moved to respond faithfully to God upon hearing about the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. In response to hearing of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, in 1 Peter 3:21, what does God use to save sinners? * According to 1 Peter 3:21, is the faith response of baptism the occasion God uses to save sinners? * Yes No According to Acts 8:38, was the eunuch baptized (immersed) in water by Philip? * Yes No According to Acts 8:38, to baptize the eunuch, did both Phillip and the eunuch go down into the water? * Yes No According to Acts 8:38-39, after baptizing the eunuch, did both did Phillip and the eunuch come up out of the water? * Yes No According to Colossians 2:12, is baptism (immersion) a burial in water response that unites believers with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ? * Yes No According to Galatians 3:27, into “who” were the Galatian believers baptized? * According to Galatians 3:27, does God solidify a relationship and place believers into the possession of His Son Jesus Christ through their obedience to the faith act of baptism? * Yes No According to Paul in Acts 22:16, if a person delays being baptized, are they delaying the washing away of their sins, remaining unforgiven? * Yes No According to Paul in Acts 22:16, can a person be saved if they refuse to obey the Lord by washing away their sins through the faith act of baptism? * Yes No According to Acts 22:16, does God want you to get up and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins with a clear biblical understanding? * Yes No According to the Bible verses you’ve read, in the sincerest and truthful place in your heart, do you believe God wants you to give your life to Jesus the way His Word teaches? * Yes No Would you like to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins in the name of Jesus? * Yes No Would you like to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins today? * Yes No According to Acts 2:41, after hearing the gospel for the first time, when did those who received the word of God make the decision to be baptized for the forgiveness of the sins and give their lives to Jesus Christ? * According to Acts 2:47, what did the Lord add the saved to after sinners responded faithfully to His command to repent and be baptized in water for the forgiveness of their sins? (Acts 2:38) * According to James 4:17, does God charge people with sin when know the right thing to do, but do not it? * Yes No Based on all the Bible verses you’ve read in this study, what do you believe God wants you do in obedience to His Word and when would you like to do it? * Submit